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BANJO MAN_Composer_Pernilla Österberg

SKAP Price / Scholarship

(SKAP - The Swedish Society of Songwriters, Composers and Authors - is a Swedish interest group for professional songwriters, composers, lyricists and adaptors of all genres.)

SKAP Price / Scholarship/Pernilla Osterberg / Österberg
SKAP Price / Scholarship/Pernilla Osterberg / Österberg / Composer

Henrik Linder, Niko Röhlcke, Sarah Riedel, Janne Bark, Petra Marklund, Isabel Sandblom (Syster Sol), Jonah Nilsson, Pernilla Österberg, Annika Norlin, Alice Gernandt (Ace Wilder). Foto: Anna Rut Fridholm.


December 07, 2015


SKAP Pris / Stipendium


Motivering Pernilla Österberg:

" En skygg men högproduktiv mästare på instrumentalmusikens bana. En kompositör av bakgrunsmusik som aldrig står i bakgrunden "


/ SKAP Styrelse



SKAP Price / Scholarship

Reason Pernilla Österberg:

"A timid but highly productive master of instrumental music. A composer of background music that never stands in the background"

/ SKAP Board

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